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Benefits of Using a Recruitment Company for Your Veterinary Practise

There are a range of benefits to using a recruitment company rather than trying to undergo this process in-house. Not only are these organisations industry experts but they’ll provide a broader...

Benefits of Using a Recruitment Company for Your Veterinary Practise

There are a range of benefits to using a recruitment company rather than trying to undergo this process in-house. Not only are these organisations industry experts but they’ll provide a broader range of services aside from recruitment. Plus they’ll save you time and money in the long run.

This guide will spell these benefits out in more detail so you can decide if a recruitment company is the right choice for you.

They Save Your Resources

As recruitment becomes a more intricate and increasingly digitised process, the task of recruiting new staff becomes more difficult to execute in-house. Problematically, the recruitment process is a drain on both money and time and this is as true for SMEs as it is for big global chains.

It’s also true that a recruitment agency will take significantly less time to actually recruit a new staff member. Not only will this free up time for existing staff but the candidate will be able to start making meaningful contributions to the company much sooner, whatever their role is.

They Don’t Just Recruit

Something which is commonly forgotten is that recruitment companies don’t only recruit staff, they also provide a range of other services:

Background checks: When employing somebody new, it’s important to ensure that they align with the values of your organisation. Background checks are a good starting place for understanding whether somebody is the correct fit as they primarily detect criminal offences and ensure that the person’s identity is authentic.

Reference checks: Arguably this is still part of the background check, but it’s very important to check the employment history of the potential employee. This ensures that they meet your requirements.

Training: This can also be an expensive and time consuming part of the recruitment process, depending on the experience of the potential employee. Some recruitment agencies offer training as part of their services so you can spend more time on day-to-day business.

Benchmarking: It’s important as an employer to understand current market standards to ensure that what you’re asking or offering isn’t wildly disproportionate.

Utmost Experience and Market Awareness

Not only will the recruitment agency know relevant requirements, guidelines, and guidelines surrounding recruitment legislation, they’ll also have expert market awareness. Recruitment agencies form a constructive relationship with their clients to better understand their goals and requirements. The most effective recruitment consultants will then transfer this understanding to the market itself, head hunting for candidates who will meet these goals and requirements.

This is especially the case when dealing with a market-specific recruitment company. For example, at VetPro Recruitment we focus on veterinary practises with an extensive database of veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses, and other veterinary staff. This means that we cater to veterinary, academic, and regulatory selectors.

A recruitment agency is a solid option for a few core reasons: they provide a broad range of services, they save you money and time, and they are industry experts. These factors ought to be considered ahead of your next recruitment to ensure that the process is as beneficial for your organisation as it possibly can be.

If you have any further questions about recruitment, especially if your organisation is a veterinary practice, then don’t hesitate to get in contact with VetPro Recruitment today by calling 01392 824667!